Privacy policy
Last update: May 2019
About NUMISCOIN and the Privacy Policy
NUMISCOIN respects your right to privacy and undertakes to protect your personal data. This Privacy Policy informs you about how we process your personal data when you visit our site (regardless of the place from which you connect), your rights in terms of confidentiality and the protection that the applicable law offers you .Â
Responsible for treatment
In this Privacy Policy, the terms " Nummiscoin "," We "," our "or" our "relate to:
Nummiscoin Subsidiary of AngoulĂȘme Numismatic SARL FRANCE
1 rue Saint Etienne
16000 Angouleme
Nummiscoin is responsible for the processing of personal data collected through this website.
Personal data controller
We have appointed a personal data controller responsible for dealing with questions relating to this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about the privacy policy, and in particular if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the personal data controller to the following contact details.
Personal data controller: Mr. Pilleron JĂ©rĂŽme
Postal address: 1 rue Saint Etienne, 16000 Angouleme, France
Phone number: +33 (0) 545 955 869
E-mail address :
NUMISCO.IN will only respond to data protection requests. We thank you for communicating in French.
Control authority
You also have the right to submit a complaint at any time to the appropriate jurisdiction control authority.
The data we collect about you
Personal data designates all information on an individual to identify it. They do not include data whose identifying elements have been deleted (anonymous data).
We are likely to collect, use, keep and transfer different types of data concerning you. We gathered them as follows:
- Identity data, which includes the first name, young girl name, family surname, user surname or similar identifier, marital status, title, date of birth and sex.
- Contact data, which includes postal address, email address and telephone numbers.
- Technical data, which include your Internet Protocol Address (IP), your connection data, the type and version of your browser, your time zone and your location, the types and versions of plug-ins of your browser, your platform And your operating system, and the technologies present on the devices you use to access the website.
- User data, which includes information on how you use our website.
- Marketing and communication data, which include your preferences relating to the reception of marketing messages on our part and on the part of third parties as well as your communication preferences.
We do not collect special categories of personal data concerning you (which include details on your origins, your religious or philosophical beliefs, your sex life, your sexual orientation, your political opinions, your belonging to a union, your health, and genetic and biometric data). We also do not collect information on convictions or criminal offenses.
How is your personal data collected?
We collect your personal data by several ways, in particular:
- Interactions directes. Vous pouvez nous fournir votre identité, vos données de contact ainsi que vos préférences en matiÚre de marketing et de communication en remplissant des formulaires ou en correspondant avec nous par voie postale, par téléphone, par e-mail ou autre.
- Technologies ou interactions automatisĂ©es. Lorsque vous utilisez notre site Internet, nous collectons automatiquement des donnĂ©es techniques sur votre Ă©quipement, votre activitĂ© et vos schĂ©mas de navigation. Nous collectons ces donnĂ©es personnelles Ă lâaide de cookies, de fichiers journaux de serveurs et de technologies similaires. Veuillez consulter notre politique relative aux cookies pour plus d'informations.
Circonstances dans lesquelles nous utiliserons vos données personnelles
Nous prĂ©sentons ci-dessous, sous forme de tableau, une description des maniĂšres dont nous envisageons d'utiliser vos donnĂ©es personnelles et les fondements lĂ©gaux sur lesquels nous nous basons pour ce faire. Nous avons Ă©galement identifiĂ© nos intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes le cas Ă©chĂ©ant.
Notez que nous pouvons traiter vos données personnelles sur plusieurs fondements légaux suivant le but spécifique dans lequel nous utilisons vos données. Veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez de plus amples informations sur le motif juridique spécifique sur lequel nous nous basons pour traiter vos données personnelles lorsque plusieurs fondements ont été indiqués dans le tableau ci-dessous.
- Motif-Activité/ Vous signaler les modifications de notre politique de confidentialité
- Data type/ (a) Identité (b) Contact (c) Marketing et Communication
- Fondement juridique du traitement, y compris intĂ©rĂȘt lĂ©gitime /(a) ExĂ©cution d'un contrat avec vous (b) NĂ©cessaires pour remplir une obligation lĂ©gale (c) NĂ©cessaires pour la poursuite de nos intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes (pour tenir nos registres Ă jour)
- The duration of the conversation /12month
- Motif-Activité / Pour gérer et protéger notre activité et ce site Internet (y compris diagnostic, analyse de données, tests, maintenance du systÚme, assistance, élaboration de rapports et hébergement de données)
- Data type /(a) Identité (b) Contact (c) Techniques
- Fondement juridique du traitement, y compris intĂ©rĂȘt lĂ©gitime /(a) NĂ©cessaires pour la poursuite de nos intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes (pour exploiter notre activitĂ©, fournir des services administratifs et informatiques, pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© du rĂ©seau, pour prĂ©venir la fraude dans le contexte d'une rĂ©organisation de lâentreprise ou d'une restructuration du groupe) (b) NĂ©cessaires pour remplir une obligation lĂ©gale.
- The duration of the conversation / 12 months
- Motif-ActivitĂ© / Pour utiliser les donnĂ©es analytiques afin d'amĂ©liorer notre site Internet, nos produits/services, notre marketing, notre relation client et lâexpĂ©rience client
- Data type / (a) Techniques (b) Utilisation
- Fondement juridique du traitement, y compris intĂ©rĂȘt lĂ©gitime / NĂ©cessaires pour la poursuite de nos intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes (pour dĂ©finir la typologie de nos clients, mettre Ă jour notre site Internet, dĂ©velopper notre activitĂ© et informer au sujet de notre stratĂ©gie marketing)
- The duration of the conversation /25Â mois
- Motif-Activité / Pour vous fournir des communications marketing et des informations sur notre entreprise et nos produits
- Data type / (a) Identité (b) Contact (c) Marketing et Communication
- Fondement juridique du traitement, y compris intĂ©rĂȘt lĂ©gitime /(a) NĂ©cessaires pour la poursuite de nos intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes (pour dĂ©velopper nos produits/services et notre activitĂ©) (b) Consentement
- The duration of the conversation/Suivant la notification que le propriétaire des données ne souhaite plus recevoir de communications marketing
Modification des motifs
We will only use your personal data for the reasons for which we have collected it, unless we consider it reasonably that they are necessary for another reason compatible with the initial reason. If you wish to obtain explanations on how the treatment for a new reason is compatible with the initial reason, please contact us.
If we need to use your personal data for a reason unrelated to the initial reason, we will inform you and present you the legal basis that allows us.
Please note that we can process your personal data without you knowing it and without your consent in accordance with the above rules, if required or authorized by law.
Data preservation
We will only keep your personal data for the reasonably necessary duration to continue the reasons for which we have collected it, including in order to meet legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting obligations. We can keep your personal data for a higher time in the event of a complaint or if we consider it reasonably that there is a possibility of dispute concerning our relationship with you.
To determine the appropriate retention period of your personal data, we take into account the quality, nature and sensitivity of data, the potential risk of damage caused by unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, reasons For which we process your personal data, and the possibility of continuing these reasons by other means, and legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other obligations.
The details of the preservation durations applicable to the various aspects of your personal data are presented in the table above.
You can ask us at any time or ask third parties to stop sending you marketing messages using the bond provided for this purpose in the marketing messages sent to you or by contacting us.
If you choose to no longer receive these marketing messages, this choice will not apply to the personal data that you have provided to us for the activities/reasons 1-4 above.
Disclosure of your personal data
We do not share your personal data.
International transfers
We share your personal data within the group of companies Nummiscoin. This can involve the transfer of your data outside the European Economic Area (EEE).
Some of our external third parties are established outside the EEE, so the processing of your personal data will involve their transfer outside the EEE.
Whenever we transfer your personal data outside the EEE, we guarantee a similar level of protection by implementing at least one of the following protective measures:
- We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been considered by the European Commission as offering a level of protection of adequate personal data. For more information, consultEuropean Commission: Adequacy of the Protection of Personal Data in Non-Eu Countries.
- When we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts approved by the European Commission which ensure the level of protection of personal data offered in Europe. For more information, consultEuropean Commission: Model Contracts for the Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries.
- When we use providers established in the United States, we are likely to transfer data to them if they have joined the data protection shield, which requires them to offer similar protection of personal data shared between Europe and the United States. For more information, consultEuropean Commission: EU-US Privacy Shield.
Please contact us if you want more information on the specific mechanism we use to transfer your personal data outside the EEE.
Data security
We have implemented appropriate safety measures to avoid accidental loss, use or unauthorized access and any modification or disclosure of your personal data. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to employees, agents, subcontractors and other third parties who need to know it for professional purposes. These third parties will only process your personal data according to our instructions and are subject to an obligation of confidentiality.
We have implemented procedures to process any violation of suspected personal data and will inform you that any competent authority of a violation when the law obliges us.
Cookies & and third party links
You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies or some only, or to be notified when websites use or access cookies. If you deactivate or refuse cookies, note that certain parts of this website may no longer be accessible or no longer function properly.
This website may contain links to websites, plug-ins and third party applications. By clicking on these links or by activating these connections, you may authorize third parties to collect or share data concerning you. We are not responsible for these third -party websites and are not responsible for their privacy policy. When you leave our website, we recommend that you read the privacy policy of any website you consult.
Your legal rights
Under certain circumstances, under the law applicable to data protection, you have the rights below concerning your personal data:
- Request access to your personal data ("Access to access a person concerned"). This allows you to receive a copy of the personal data that we hold about you and to verify that our processing of your data is legal.
- Request the rectification of the personal data that we hold about you. This allows you to have the incomplete or inaccurate data that we hold about you rectify, knowing that we may need to check the accuracy of the new data you will provide us with.
- Request the erasure of your personal data. This allows you to ask us to erase or delete personal data when we no longer have a valid reason to continue their processing. You also have the right to ask us to erase or delete your personal data when you have exercised your right to oppose processing (see below), when we have treated your information illegally, or when we are kept to erase your personal data in accordance with local law. Note however that we may not be able to follow up on your erasure request for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if necessary, in response to your request.
- Oppose the processing of your personal data when we rely on a legitimate interest (or on the legitimate interest of third parties) and your particular situation encourages you to oppose the treatment on this foundation because you consider it to affect your fundamental law and freedoms. You also have the right to oppose what we are dealing with your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have an imperious legitimate interest to process your information that prevails about your rights and freedoms.
- Request the processing of your personal data. This allows you to ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data in the following cases:
- If you want us to establish the accuracy of the data.
- When our use of data is illegal but you do not want us to be erased.
- When you need us to keep the data even if we no longer need it because they are needed for the finding, exercise or defense of legal rights.
- If you have opposed what we used your data but that we need to check if we have a legitimate reason that prevails.
- Request the transfer of your personal data to you or a third party. We will provide you, or a third party of your choice, your personal data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by machine. Note that this right only applies to automated information for the use of which you have initially provided us with your consent or if we use information for the execution of a contract with you.
- Remove your consent at any time if we are based on this consent to process your personal data. However, this will not affect the legality of any treatment carried out before the withdrawal of your consent. If you remove your consent, we may not be able to provide you with certain products or services. We will inform you if necessary when you withdraw your consent.
- If you wish to exercise one of your rights presented above, please contact the personal data controller.
Free principle
You will have no fees to pay to access your personal data (or to exercise your other rights). However, we can charge you with reasonable costs if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. In such circumstances, we can simply refuse to meet your request.
What we can ask you
We are likely to ask you for specific information in order to allow us to confirm your identity and allow you to exercise your right of access to your personal data (or one of your other rights). This is a security measure intended to ensure that personal data will not be disclosed to a person who has no right to receive them. We can also contact you to get more information on your request to speed up our response.
Response time
We try to respond to all legitimate requests within a month. However, the time required may be more than one month if your request is particularly complex or if you have submitted several requests. In this case, we will inform you of the progress of your request.
Your obligation to inform us of modifications
It is important that the personal data we hold about you are accurate and current. Please inform us in the event of modification of your personal data during your relationship with us.
Contact number
For any questions or questioning concerning these rules, our privacy practices or your exchanges with Nummiscoin, please contact Nummiscoin in writing or by phone:
1 rue Saint Etienne
16000 Angouleme
+33(0) 545 955 869
Nummiscoin will only respond to data protection requests. Thank you for communicating in English or French.